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| Muhteşem Yüzyıl/Veličanstveno Stoljeće (3 sezona) | |
+9dolcevita026 Tessa Re Alone The Queen bes ni adan Snupika Amra S.N.O.B1 13 posters | |
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S.N.O.B1 Moderator
Broj postova : 2321 Join date : 17.05.2012 Age : 37
| Naslov: Re: Muhteşem Yüzyıl/Veličanstveno Stoljeće (3 sezona) uto 20 stu 2012, 23:53 | |
| ma ona je tu još 2-3 epke max nadam se | |
| | | Leona Ezelovac
Broj postova : 750 Join date : 22.09.2012
| Naslov: Re: Muhteşem Yüzyıl/Veličanstveno Stoljeće (3 sezona) čet 22 stu 2012, 02:05 | |
| - suradnica je napisao/la:
- Epizode u kojima se Cansu pojavi ću svakako pogledati,zbog nje,i nadam se da će unijeti pravu pomutnju u taj harem i malo Huremki pomrsiti račune.Toliko sam se radovala što je to rtl otkupio,jedva sam čekala da vidim taj povijesni spektakl,kad ono tamo same laži,izdaje,spletke,prevare...preljubi,mržnja,tako okrutna ubojstva...ma ne, nisam ja to mogla podnijeti!I tako sam ja odustala od Sulejmana i tako i tako samo je jedan Veličanstveni,koji mi mami osmijeh i uzdah na usnama!!
Isti utisak imamo o Sulejmanu.. Žali Bože silnih para uloženih u seriju.. Umesto istorijskog spektakla,dobismo haremske spletke i one šarene zidove od kojih dobijam klaustofobične napade.. Ja sam odustala posle desetak epizoda,čudi me da sam i toliko izdržala.. I baš sam bila izneneđena kad sam čula da je Cansu prihvatila ulogu u seriji.. Mislim,šta joj je to trebalo posle Ezela.. Svi znamo da je to bajka o Hurem,sve ove ostale, koje su se pojavljivale u seriji su neslavno završile.. Nadam se da će im uzeti dobru lovu,i odgledaću te epizode gde se pojavljuje samo zbog nje.. _________________ ''Ne prestaje. Što god da učinim,ne uspeva mi. Ne prestaje. Ruke ne mogu zaustaviti. Tebi idu. Srce tebi ide. Ne prestajem te voleti.''
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| | | Gost Gost
| Naslov: Re: Muhteşem Yüzyıl/Veličanstveno Stoljeće (3 sezona) čet 22 stu 2012, 21:03 | |
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| | | Re Alone Moderator
Broj postova : 2306 Join date : 21.05.2012 Lokacija : Montenegro
| Naslov: Re: Muhteşem Yüzyıl/Veličanstveno Stoljeće (3 sezona) čet 22 stu 2012, 21:26 | |
| - Didily je napisao/la:
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Zanimljiv članak, mada je po meni, serija totalno promašeno urađena. Nažalost. Možda je od ovog i moglo nešto da se napravi. Ne ulazim u glumačku postavu, o priči govorim. Potpuni fijasko. Sve se svelo što su činjele žene po haremu a Sulejman, eto, bio divan, nježan i pažljiv. Svi znamo što je u istoriji zapisano... nije baš tako slatko bilo. Posebno ne to vrijeme pod Turcima. Očigledno se išlo na komercijalu, ne na istinski dokumentarac i prikazivanje činjenica, što je - kažem šteta. Ali pare čine čuda... _________________ SE VINCERE IPSUM LONGE EST DIFFICILLIMUM.
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| | | S.N.O.B1 Moderator
Broj postova : 2321 Join date : 17.05.2012 Age : 37
| Naslov: Re: Muhteşem Yüzyıl/Veličanstveno Stoljeće (3 sezona) čet 22 stu 2012, 21:35 | |
| re. ,nije ova serija ni zamišljena da bude dokumtarac, od početka su znali da rade sapunicu u kojoj će okosnica radnje biti Hurrem i njezine spletke u Haremu | |
| | | Gost Gost
| Naslov: Re: Muhteşem Yüzyıl/Veličanstveno Stoljeće (3 sezona) čet 22 stu 2012, 21:43 | |
| Bole bi bilo da su radili povijesni spektal i držali se poznatih povijesnih činjenica. Osim toga su lakomi jer razvlače priču u beskraj što naravno dovodi do zasićenja.
| | | S.N.O.B1 Moderator
Broj postova : 2321 Join date : 17.05.2012 Age : 37
| Naslov: Re: Muhteşem Yüzyıl/Veličanstveno Stoljeće (3 sezona) čet 22 stu 2012, 21:48 | |
| ali serija i dalje u vrhu što govori i rejting od sinoć Rayting 21.11.2012 TOTAL 1 MUHTEŞEM YÜZYIL STAR TV 30,7% 2 MUHTEŞEM YÜZYIL - OZET (TKR) STAR TV 19,5% 3 KUZEY GÜNEY KANAL D 17,3 % 4 SAKARYA FIRAT TRT 1 15,4% 5 PİS YEDİLİ SHOW TV 14,2& ------------------------------ A/B 1 MUHTEŞEM YÜZYIL STAR TV 37,3% 2 MUHTEŞEM YÜZYIL - OZET (TKR) STAR TV 25,3% 3 KUZEY GÜNEY KANAL D 21,4% 4 KUZEY GÜNEY - OZET (TKR) KANAL D 14,9% 5 ALİ KIRCA ANA HABER SHOW TV 15,5% [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]Sve dok bude ovako ona će se snimati . Nek' nam je svima Bog na pomoći, Suljo na rtl-u do 2020 | |
| | | Gost Gost
| Naslov: Re: Muhteşem Yüzyıl/Veličanstveno Stoljeće (3 sezona) čet 22 stu 2012, 22:42 | |
| Ah, Turci...vole Sulju, vidjet ćemo rejting kad Cansu ode i ja prestanem gledati. Past će za 10 mjesta |
| | | Re Alone Moderator
Broj postova : 2306 Join date : 21.05.2012 Lokacija : Montenegro
| Naslov: Re: Muhteşem Yüzyıl/Veličanstveno Stoljeće (3 sezona) pet 23 stu 2012, 00:57 | |
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| | | bes ni Ezelovac
Broj postova : 3454 Join date : 22.06.2012
| Naslov: Re: Muhteşem Yüzyıl/Veličanstveno Stoljeće (3 sezona) pet 23 stu 2012, 19:02 | |
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| | | S.N.O.B1 Moderator
Broj postova : 2321 Join date : 17.05.2012 Age : 37
| Naslov: Re: Muhteşem Yüzyıl/Veličanstveno Stoljeće (3 sezona) pet 23 stu 2012, 21:37 | |
| Firuzina tetovaža predstavlja Grb perzijske Safavidske dinastije. Evo malo o toj dinastiji.
Safavidsko Carstvo (perz. سلسلة صفويان) je naziv za novovjekovnu iransku državu pod safavidskom dinastijom i jedno od najmoćnijih Perzijskih Carstava u islamskoj eri. Safavidi su vladali Iranom od 1501. do 1736. godine, a prilikom njihovog vojno-političkog vrhunca carstvo se protezalo i preko teritorija današnjeg Azerbajdžana, Armenije, Gruzije, istočnog Iraka, Afganistana, Pakistana, Turkmenistana, Uzbekistana, Tadžikistana, Rusije i istočne Turske, te istočne obale Arapskog poluotoka. Sama safavidska dinastija bila je kurdsko-azarskog podrijetla, a njenim eponimskim osnivačem smatra se Safi-ad-din iz Ardabila. Stvarni utemeljitelj carstva bio je Ismail I., mladi osvajač koji je još kao tinejdžer pod svoju krunu ujedinio goleme teritorije Velikog Irana i obnovio političku homogenost iranskog stanovništva regije koje je bilo uzdrmano konstantnim turkijskim i mongolskim prodorima iz pravca Središnje Azije. U približno dva i pol stoljeća vladavine Iranom, razdoblje safavidske dinastije ostalo je upamćeno po spektakularnim arhitektonskim ostvarenjima u njihovim prijestolnicama Tabrizu, Kazvinu i Isfahanu kao i drugim gradovima, po žestokim ratovima protiv Osmanskog Carstva na zapadu i Uzbecima na sjeveru odnosno savezništvom s Mogulskim Carstvom na istoku, po učinkovitom državnom aparatu i bankarskom sustavu, te ponovnoj uspostavi trgovačkih veza između Orijenta i Zapadnog svijeta. Vladavina Safavida važna je i iz vjerske perspektive budući da je šijitski oblik islama postao državnom religijom koja je utjecala na širu regiju odnosno opstala u Iranu do današnjeg dana. Dinastija je oslabljena zbog unutrašnjih ratova s paštunskim plemenom Hotaki, a raspuštena je prilikom osvajanja Nader-šaha koji se proglasio nasljednikom posljednjeg safavidskog vladara pri čemu je osnovao novo, Afšaridsko Carstvo. | |
| | | S.N.O.B1 Moderator
Broj postova : 2321 Join date : 17.05.2012 Age : 37
| Naslov: Re: Muhteşem Yüzyıl/Veličanstveno Stoljeće (3 sezona) pon 26 stu 2012, 18:32 | |
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| | | Gost Gost
| Naslov: Re: Muhteşem Yüzyıl/Veličanstveno Stoljeće (3 sezona) čet 29 stu 2012, 00:46 | |
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| | | S.N.O.B1 Moderator
Broj postova : 2321 Join date : 17.05.2012 Age : 37
| Naslov: Re: Muhteşem Yüzyıl/Veličanstveno Stoljeće (3 sezona) pet 30 stu 2012, 20:24 | |
| | |
| | | bes ni Ezelovac
Broj postova : 3454 Join date : 22.06.2012
| Naslov: Re: Muhteşem Yüzyıl/Veličanstveno Stoljeće (3 sezona) pet 30 stu 2012, 22:01 | |
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| | | Gost Gost
| Naslov: Re: Muhteşem Yüzyıl/Veličanstveno Stoljeće (3 sezona) pet 30 stu 2012, 23:25 | |
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| | | bes ni Ezelovac
Broj postova : 3454 Join date : 22.06.2012
| Naslov: Re: Muhteşem Yüzyıl/Veličanstveno Stoljeće (3 sezona) sub 01 pro 2012, 09:39 | |
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| | | S.N.O.B1 Moderator
Broj postova : 2321 Join date : 17.05.2012 Age : 37
| Naslov: Re: Muhteşem Yüzyıl/Veličanstveno Stoljeće (3 sezona) pon 03 pro 2012, 19:27 | |
| Muhteşem Yüzyıl 76.Bölüm 2.Fragmanı
Sažetak 76.
Firuzina je tajna otkrivena . Sulejman saznaje tajnu koju Firuze ne dijeli s drugima . Sada aduti Hurem protiv Firuze postaju jači , a ona odlučuje okriviti Hatidže Sultanu , koja je godinama štitila Firuze . Firuze ostaje u zatvoru , a Ibrahim paša ju ispituje . S druge strane Shehzade Mustafa je odlučan oženiti Elenu , unatoč upozorenjima Mahidevran . Zato Mahidevran odlučuje da se oslobodi Elene . Ona će napisati pismo Ibrahim paši , obavijestiti ga o svemu i zamoliti sa se sastane sa Mustafom . Dok se Sulejman informira kod Ibrahima o političkoj situaciji u svijetu , Hurem će se sastati Ebu Suudom i tražiti pomoć za svoju zakladu . Istodobno , to će postati novi savez protiv Ibrahima . Dok Hurem odlučuje o sudbini Firuze , Ibrahimu stiže pismo od Mahidevran . Ibrahim će pristati na susret s Mustafom . Napisat će mu pismo i poslati ga Pljevljaninu u Manisu . Ali ovo pismo , uz Rustemovu pomoć , pada u Huremine ruke ... Sulejman očekuje da Mustafa odluči o Eleni , a Ibrahim paša stoji iza Mustafe i štiti ga ,tvrdeći da će on donijeti ispravnu odluku . Ibrahim paša obavještava Sulejmana da ide u Edirne , a zapravo ide u Bursu, na sastanak sa Mustafom . Što će se dogoditi s Firuze ? Hoćete li princ Mustafa oženiti Elenu ? Hoće se otkriti istina o sastanku Ibrahima i Mustafe ? Može li se Elena obraniti nakon Mustafinog odlaska ? | |
| | | bes ni Ezelovac
Broj postova : 3454 Join date : 22.06.2012
| Naslov: Re: Muhteşem Yüzyıl/Veličanstveno Stoljeće (3 sezona) uto 04 pro 2012, 16:35 | |
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| | | S.N.O.B1 Moderator
Broj postova : 2321 Join date : 17.05.2012 Age : 37
| Naslov: Re: Muhteşem Yüzyıl/Veličanstveno Stoljeće (3 sezona) čet 06 pro 2012, 00:33 | |
| Cansuin posap je ovdje završen, napokon [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]Veličasntveni odlazak iz Topkapija Hajde nek' i ovo pregurasmo .. | |
| | | S.N.O.B1 Moderator
Broj postova : 2321 Join date : 17.05.2012 Age : 37
| Naslov: Re: Muhteşem Yüzyıl/Veličanstveno Stoljeće (3 sezona) čet 06 pro 2012, 17:34 | |
| Sažetak 76.
In memory of Meral Okay: That is a traitor, a spy who stands between us. Suleyman leaves the room angry, Hurrem looks happy. While Firuze is crying, Hurrem says to her that her place is now right, beneath her feet. Firuze says that she will prove to Suleyman that she is not guilty, but Hurrem responds that this will not only ruin her, but also all her enemies. Hatice and Ibrahim are sleeping, the guard comes inside and says that the Sultan called the Pasa to come right away. They are confused, Ibrahim goes to the palace and Suleyman informs him that Firuze is a traitor and that he should deal with the case. Ibrahim and Suleyman talk, Ibrahim says that she came here with a ship, Suleyman says that he knows that but he wants to know what is behind that. Ibrahim goes to the dungen where Firuze is to ask her does she have anything to do with the ruler of Persia. Firuze says that she will explain everything but only to the Master and no one else, and when Ibrahim says that it can’t be done, she says: „In that case kill me.“ The girls gossip about Firuze, Agas are worried, Hatice Sultana comes. Hatice goes streight to Hurrem to say to her that if this is one of her games, that she will pay. But Hurrem says that it’s all true and that she has been defending a spy for years. Ibrahim goes to Suleyman and says what happened and what Firuze told him. Suleyman accepts and tells them to bring her inside. She wants to come near and explain it but he waves his hand for her to step away, and she explains that her father and the current ruler of Persia are brothers and that her uncle killed her family. He then asks her how did she came to Istanbul and she says that she was brought by faith. After that tragic night she just opened her eyes and saw that she was floating on a board in the middle of the sea. Hatice asks Ibrahim what is going on, she still doesn’t believe what turned out, and Ibrahim says that he will kill the woman personaly. Firuze says that she lied because she new that muslim born woman can’t be in the harem, and that later she fell in love. He is angry because she lied him for so many years. She then says how she loves him and that she will accept anything he wants to do with her, that if he wants he can kill her right there. He then calls the guards. They take her out and Hatice yells at her that she should be ashamed. Fatma and Fidan are talking about what could be done with Helena. Mustafa talks with Lala about her, and Mustafa’s man are chasing Abaz Aga thru the woods. When he is finally cought, Mustafa yells at him and then cuts his head of without even thinking about it. Rustem and Hurrem are talking about Firuze and what they should do about her next. Hurrem finds out that Firuze is realised and she runs to Suleymans chambers to see what is going on. He thinks a bit, then he lets her in. She asks him how can he do such thing, and he answers that he thought that was the best thing to do. She then says that if a free muslim woman is to stay in the harem that she should be married. He says that he will do what ever he wants and tells her to leave the room. A girl comes to Helena in the middle of the night, saying that Mahidevran wants to see her, she takes her away, and Diana sees everything. Helena is brought to Fatmas room. While Fatma beats her up and trys to kill her the child is crying. Diana runs in and saves Helena. She then takes Fatma to Mhidevran. Sumbul comes to Hurrem saying that Firuze is now in Maters chaimbers. Hurrem is very upset. She wants to be left alone with her son. Firuze with her hed held high goes to see Suleyman, she tells him that she will do what he wants her to do. Hurrem is thinking about drinking the poison. Afife then tells her that Firuze is being sent away. We then see what Suleyman told her. He said that she will not be sent to Persia but that she can’t stay in the harem. She asks him when will they see each other and he says never again. She then walks back and crys. When she gets into her room, Hurrem is waiting for her. She tells her that she still didn’t lose, but Hurrem reminds her of the poison and then leaves the room. The poison is on the table. Ibrahim reseves a letter from Mahidevran where she says that they should get rid of Hurrem as soon as possible. Nigar sings to her daughter when Ibrahim comes in and tell her that she should leave. She says that it’s only because Hatice wants it, not Ibrahim and that she wants to stay, when she gets home she tells Rustem they they could get a divorse, and he yells at her, swears and says that they will get a divorse on the day when he wants it, not her. Suleyman comes to Hurrems chaimbers but just to see his youngest soon. Hurrem is very sad. Firuze is traveling and holding the poison, crying. Soldiers are waiting for her and she smiles. Those are Persian soldiers. Suleyman gives a lot of money to Hurrems cause. Hurrem and the judge are talking. He says that no other Haseki did what she wants to, and that for that she needs a lot of money, she says she has it. Hurrem while taking a walk sees that Mihrimah and Yahya are talking. They almost kiss again. Mihrimah tells him that they should be more carefull. Hurrem thinks that Yahya being in Istanbul is strange she orders Sumbul and Rustem to investigate. The judge says to his wife that he saw Hurrem Sultan and Mehmet and that he is a very smart young man. Judges son is making a scene in the bar where Ibrahim and Nasuh also are. Yahya gives a letter for Mahidevran to some guy who Rustem kills a bit later. He then takes the letter. Hurrem and Ibrahim are talking and Hurrem tells to him that he will be going to hell. While Mehmet and Suleyman are talking about Mustafa, the head of Abaz Aga comes into their room in a barrel. It’s Mustafa’s gift to Mehmet. Hurrem gets the letter and reads it. In that time, Nigar runs away with her daughter. Ibrahim and Mustafa are in Bursa talking about Helena. Hurren comes to Suleyman. She has the letter. She then tells him that Ibrahim lied about where he is going and that he is in Bursa talking to Mustafa. She then hands him over the letter. He reads it. translated by: Karima Sultan | |
| | | bes ni Ezelovac
Broj postova : 3454 Join date : 22.06.2012
| Naslov: Re: Muhteşem Yüzyıl/Veličanstveno Stoljeće (3 sezona) čet 06 pro 2012, 21:09 | |
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| | | Gost Gost
| Naslov: Re: Muhteşem Yüzyıl/Veličanstveno Stoljeće (3 sezona) čet 06 pro 2012, 23:54 | |
| Snobiću, dakle Firuze se vratila u Perziju? Nije bila špijun, samo zalublena? Mlaka priča...
| | | S.N.O.B1 Moderator
Broj postova : 2321 Join date : 17.05.2012 Age : 37
| Naslov: Re: Muhteşem Yüzyıl/Veličanstveno Stoljeće (3 sezona) pet 07 pro 2012, 00:21 | |
| nisam gledao cijelu ep., samo dijelove. mislim da je bila špijun ipak, i da je glumila
Firuzino objašnjenje tko je, što je i što radi kod Sulejmana, pa... Njen monolog pred Sulejmanom:
Ime mi je, baš kao i osjećaji, stvarno. Ja sam Firuze Bekuman. Sultanija sam, pripadnica Safavidske Dinastije. Otac šaha Tahmaspa i moj otac su braća. Moj položaj automatski negira poziciju špijuna. Zato što ni jedan član takve Dinastije ne bi dovodio u pitanje čast na ovakav način... ...Kao što sam Vam prije i rekla, mene je ovdje dovele sudbina. Odnosi između šaha Tahmaspa i mog oca, seita Ibrahima nisu bili dobri. Zato što ga je vidio kao mogu prijetnju za Tron. Jedne večeri... Jedne večeri nas je otac iznenadno probudio... Moju majka, moju braća te druga rodbina - svi smo pobjegli. Tahmasp nam je bio za petama. Kasnije smo danima putovali, a kasnije... Ukrcali smo se na jedan brod. Nedugo su nas nakon toga uhvatili. Brod je potonuo. Svi su umrli. A ja sam se, kad sam otvorila oči, našla na Barbarossinu brodu.
Pravo ime joj je Humejra.
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| | | bes ni Ezelovac
Broj postova : 3454 Join date : 22.06.2012
| Naslov: Re: Muhteşem Yüzyıl/Veličanstveno Stoljeće (3 sezona) pet 07 pro 2012, 08:13 | |
| Hümeyra-perzijski na "ptica sreće" | |
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| Naslov: Re: Muhteşem Yüzyıl/Veličanstveno Stoljeće (3 sezona) | |
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| | | | Muhteşem Yüzyıl/Veličanstveno Stoljeće (3 sezona) | |
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