Necdet: Within one day someone you love very much will die. You are a man with a big heart, you have many loved ones. Who knows who will that be..... I wonder....who will that be...
Pokazali su Nazifa kako pada , Ayten kako izlazi na cestu pred auto , sestru raširenih očiju , brata očajnoga šogora koga netko napada .. svatko od njih bi mogao ..
Feridem, Nazifa , sestru, brata .. voli jako..
Ayten..imao bi grižicu, ali je ne voli takoooojakooo
Šogora ne voli jako ..
Mislim da osobu koja će umrijeti, tražimo u prvoj jakosnoj skupini, na žalost .. tipujem na brata ..
MAHIR: They are testing my loved ones. If they suffer, they think that I will give up. FERIDE: No one can hurt me! MAHIR: They said that someone I love will die, and the whole country knows how much I love you. FERIDE: I promise you that nothing will happen to me.
Interview with the writers ... only 2 ordinary questions related to our dizi .. one about choosing the characters and the other about the new season and what it has difference from the 1st season .. and Sema said in the 1st season Mahir was just running around (meaning incidents were happen left and right) the new season alot of things/secrets will come out/uncovered ..about the characters they said Mahir was written for Kenan , while Feride they were not sure (who would play it) but now when they r watching Berguzar they like 'No one else (other than her) could have play it' ...
After learning that someone of his loved ones will die, Mahir makes a deal to get out of the jail in order to protect them. Meanwhile, Necdet enters completely different life.
After learning about Orhan’s attempt to kill Yassin, Songul decides to tell her brother. After Mahir hears this, he will have to make a big difficult decision. Mahir decides to change the whole balance.
Everyone’s life is in danger. This danger again brings Feride and Mahir together. Mahir finally understands who will be killed. There is little time left for Mahir to stop the killer!
_________________ Ponekad ne mislim na tebe
honeybunny Admin
Broj postova : 4707 Join date : 17.05.2012 Age : 45
Kad joj dođe Suljo-električar.....:amra5: ....bit će njoj struja....
_________________ Ne znaš da voljeti te moram. Tvoje ime stalno mi je na pameti. Ti mi griješ dušu. Kad god pomislim na život, prvo izgovorim tvoje ime. Ne, drukčije ne može biti. Ne znaš da voljeti te moram.
(Emir: Atila Ilhan tako je vjerovao u ljubav. Zar mi nismo...?)