MEHMET SAİM BEY: Never! By No means! MAHİR: I have fallen into such a bottomless well(pit), Father... That if they lend me a hand (extend a hand), I will pull down. MS: You will get married to Sinan immediately, and you will go to Switzerland. You will not step back here in 6 months. FERİDE: I cannot do it, father! MAHİR: If they tell me to make a choice in between you and the one I love, I will not give up on you in this world, father. SONGÜL: There is something very important about my brother that you need to know.
MAHİR: Every feeling I have felt for Feride is real. I love her to the point that I will give my life for her. TURGUT: You have reported your own father who wanted to rescue you... YILAN BERDAN: Find where the Kara family have hidden Nilay and bring her to me. MEHMET SAİM: I would not entrust (you - I think he is talking about Feride) to someone else. You should know that. SİNAN: Do what is needed. Kill Mahir. Everyone will be in a good mood.
Evo i prijevoda 2. fragmanija za 56.epizodu , by KFES
Dočekale smo, Honeyčice, dočekale ...
Koliko se čini, Slinan neće povuči tužbu protiv Mahirmirka...
MEHMET SAİM: Go Feride... Go. KERİME: Please help. Let us find a way to make Feride open her eyes. MAHİR: You said Yes to me before. Would you say that again? Marry me. Immediately. Tomorrow. Let us get married through a surprise wedding. NEWSPAPER KID: It writes, it writes. Mahir Kara has injured a man. YILAN BERDAN: Get ready guys. We are going to raid Mahir's house. I will give his punishment with my own hands.
Kao i sažetka 56.epizode
Mehmet Saim, who has become helpless face to Feride and Mahir’s love, plays his last card. He leaves Feride with such a question alone that she cannot even answer. Either Feride does what her father said, or carry the burden of the decision that she have given. Feride cannot make such a choice, but when Mehmet Saim does not back down, Feride has no other option but to leave the house...
Mahir is upset that he has caused a tension between Feride and her father. Whatever Feride’s decision is, he will stand by Feride (support her). Neither Feride does not want to chew on her Father, nor does she want to give up on Mahir.
Turgut’s trial has arrived. Turgut prepared himself and is sure that all the accusations that were brought against him are going to be dismissed. However, a totally unexpected, surprise witness will turn everything upside down...
U jednom od prijevoda sažetka, naišla sam na ovu rečenicu, koja objašnjava novinski natpis koji se javlja u fragmaniju
Sinan against Mahir makes the news in the newspaper . Ferida is shocked at this news . Sinan , Farida dangerous once more to win the game begins ...
To je rezultat dogovora mame Kerime i Sinana.
A jedna FB stranica se potrudila otkriti što piše u novinama, što je to Sinan iskonstruirao protiv Mahirmirka i kako misli vratiti (zar je ikad bila njegova ?) Feride
Gazetede yazanlar..
Mahir Kara kendi kundura dükkanının..... kezzapla yaktığı Mustafa Yeşilçay hastane.... saklayan Mahir Kara,kadını almaya gelen..... dökerek ağır yaraladı.Hastanede hayat...... Kara daha öncede Adaleti yanıltmak.....
The paper said ..
Maher Kara own shoe shop ..... aquatint oil Yeşilçay hospital where Mustafa .... stores Maher Kara, the woman who came to pick ..... Pour in heavy yaraladı.hastane life ...... Obstruction of justice in the land before .....
Hajde, Honeyčice, vikend je, gdjeee siii??
_________________ Ponekad ne mislim na tebe
honeybunny Admin
Broj postova : 4707 Join date : 17.05.2012 Age : 45
MAHİR: I have told you... That one day, everyone would find the place he deserves. FERİDE: If they told told me a year ago that something like this would happen, I would never have believed it. SERDAR: Come on, get out! MAHİR: You will understand that you are not as powerful as you thought on the day the pen will be broken on you. TURGUT: Will I be hanged? MAHİR: You will be hanged. I have brought you something. TURGUT: What did you bring? MAHİR: Your friends will drop if off to your cell.
Sažetak 57.epizode by KFES
Feride and Mahir feel relieved a little bit with Turgut’s arrest. However Mahir will not feel at peace if he does not see Turgut behind bars. On the way to jail, a surprise that no one would ever imagine (expect) awaits them.
There are two visitors waiting for Feride at the courthouse. Her mum and the judge from the Court of Appeal. Both appear simultaneously in front of Feride. Kerime seizes this opportunity and makes the decision to tell the judge that Feride has called off the engagement.
Mahir has a falling out with Feride because of the news that came from the newspaper. Mahir promises Feride to stay away from the gangsters. While Mahir learns that Nilay has been kidnapped, he is stuck in between the promise he made to Feride and for his brother with the entrustment of Nilay, and, furthermore, is shaken by the bad news that came from the police precinct.
_________________ Ponekad ne mislim na tebe
Zadnja promjena: adan; sub 01 vel 2014, 12:38; ukupno mijenjano 1 put.
Neznam jeste li vidjele: Programın sunucularından Esin Övet'in açıkladığı bilgiye göre "Karadayı" dizisinin bir sezon daha devam etmesine karar verildi... Dakle 3. sezona iz CEZA EVI je osigurana!
_________________ Buraya uzun bir yoldan geldim,daha uzun bir yolum var!
honeybunny Admin
Broj postova : 4707 Join date : 17.05.2012 Age : 45
Naslov: Re: Karadayi - Novosti 3 sub 01 vel 2014, 12:09
ASTERVANDER je napisao/la:
Neznam jeste li vidjele: Programın sunucularından Esin Övet'in açıkladığı bilgiye göre "Karadayı" dizisinin bir sezon daha devam etmesine karar verildi... Dakle 3. sezona iz CEZA EVI je osigurana!
...još jedna sezona serije??????
_________________ ...poslije tebe ne postoji...
melodija Ezelovac
Broj postova : 1175 Join date : 14.09.2012
Naslov: Re: Karadayi - Novosti 3 sub 01 vel 2014, 20:46
Kakve radnje, odnosno šta će prikazivati u 3 sezoni. Samo da ne upropaste seriju.
adan Admin
Broj postova : 12266 Join date : 17.05.2012
Naslov: Re: Karadayi - Novosti 3 sri 05 vel 2014, 16:01
eylemmmc @canpolatozkok 6h
Karadayı'daki 8 sihri devam etmekte... Fragman biter bitmez yayınlanır. Eminim bu bölümün "genelini" çok seveceksiniz.
Scenaristice se twitaju i kažu: fragman je spreman i gledatelji će jako voljeti 58.epizodu!!
OK. Idu negdje izvan Istanbula, jer je bedasta Feride u gajbu dovela štrigu. Bit će điđimiđi.
_________________ Ponekad ne mislim na tebe
bes ni Ezelovac
Broj postova : 3454 Join date : 22.06.2012
Naslov: Re: Karadayi - Novosti 3 sri 05 vel 2014, 18:22
adan je napisao/la:
Bit će điđimiđi.
two weeks this waiting
Amra Moderator
Broj postova : 9847 Join date : 18.05.2012 Lokacija : Istiyorum....Istanbul, grad duše i života.
Naslov: Re: Karadayi - Novosti 3 sri 05 vel 2014, 19:15
Aha, kako da ne. Baš kad misliš da će bit điđimiđi...ništa od toga....
_________________ Ne znaš da voljeti te moram. Tvoje ime stalno mi je na pameti. Ti mi griješ dušu. Kad god pomislim na život, prvo izgovorim tvoje ime. Ne, drukčije ne može biti. Ne znaš da voljeti te moram.
(Emir: Atila Ilhan tako je vjerovao u ljubav. Zar mi nismo...?)
adan Admin
Broj postova : 12266 Join date : 17.05.2012
Naslov: Re: Karadayi - Novosti 3 sri 05 vel 2014, 20:39
bes ni je napisao/la:
adan je napisao/la:
Bit će điđimiđi.
two weeks this waiting
Two??? !!! Piteous Mahirmirko ! Or one ????
Amra je napisao/la:
Aha, kako da ne. Baš kad misliš da će bit điđimiđi...ništa od toga....
A naši to rade, svakih 10 epizoda . Mi se nadamo maloj Deniz.
Pa ako misle i treću sezonu, mora bit i Deniz....o čemu bi inače...
_________________ Ne znaš da voljeti te moram. Tvoje ime stalno mi je na pameti. Ti mi griješ dušu. Kad god pomislim na život, prvo izgovorim tvoje ime. Ne, drukčije ne može biti. Ne znaš da voljeti te moram.
(Emir: Atila Ilhan tako je vjerovao u ljubav. Zar mi nismo...?)
Maki Ezelovac
Broj postova : 1848 Join date : 25.11.2012
Naslov: Re: Karadayi - Novosti 3 sri 05 vel 2014, 22:20
Amra, ne trolaj temu Nama nije interesantna, ali ima i onih drugih. Nas dve ćemo čekati neki novi , nadajmo se jaaako dobar, projekat i čitati Karadayi novosti.
_________________ Prevarimo taj nemilosrdni svijet i budimo jednom zajedno...budimo jednom jedna obitelj...Eysan, Omer i Can.
Amra Moderator
Broj postova : 9847 Join date : 18.05.2012 Lokacija : Istiyorum....Istanbul, grad duše i života.
Naslov: Re: Karadayi - Novosti 3 sri 05 vel 2014, 22:38
Maki je napisao/la:
Amra, ne trolaj temu Nama nije interesantna, ali ima i onih drugih. Nas dve ćemo čekati neki novi , nadajmo se jaaako dobar, projekat i čitati Karadayi novosti.
Sačuvaj Bože. Ne trolam. Ja onako lijevim okom pratim pa mi se čini da za treću sezonu nedostaje radnje. Deniz bi to mogla dopuniti. Ozbiljno...
_________________ Ne znaš da voljeti te moram. Tvoje ime stalno mi je na pameti. Ti mi griješ dušu. Kad god pomislim na život, prvo izgovorim tvoje ime. Ne, drukčije ne može biti. Ne znaš da voljeti te moram.
(Emir: Atila Ilhan tako je vjerovao u ljubav. Zar mi nismo...?)
Iščekuje se taj famozni fragmani. Scenaristice, a i sličkice koje stižu sa backstagea obećavaju svašta nešto.
Jedna od scenaristica twita drugoj:
Fragman nerde @canpolatozkok aşk olsun. Sadece evinde izliyorsun seyirciye yok. #Karadayı yeni bölüm fragman bekliyoruz.
Ukratko: Gdje je taj Fragman? Gledaš ga sama kod kuće? A što je sa nama ?
Hajcaju nas.
Inače, u zadnjih par dana je procurila nevjerojatna količina videa, sličkica, i to sa Jablanom i Berg. Spojla se naveliko. Navodno Ay yapim traži i uspjeva blokirati i brisati neke stranice , koje raspolažu takvim informacijama. Skinuli su i 57.epizodu sa YT zbog kršenja autorskih prava
KARADAYI 57 Bölüm Mahir Fer..." Bu video, Ay Film Yapim Limited STI tarafından bulunulan bir telif hakkı talebi nedeniyle artık kullanılamıyor. KALDIRMIŞLAR SENİN VİDEO'yu
Evo ga . Konačno. Nešto strašno će se dogoditi, nakon idile u Arboretumu. Mogao bi Orhan stradati ili će on nešto napraviti Turgutu.
_________________ Ponekad ne mislim na tebe
adan Admin
Broj postova : 12266 Join date : 17.05.2012
Naslov: Re: Karadayi - Novosti 3 sub 08 vel 2014, 12:54
Sažetak 58. epizode (by KFES)
Feride, who succumbs to her compassion (pity) for Suna, opens her home and her life to Suna. Mahir, who is unaware of this, makes preparations for the first evening at home. When they open the door and enter the house, the surprise that Mahir has prepared will not be the only thing that is spoiled. At the same time, Feride and Mahir’s lives will turn upside down.
Feride arranges a little trip away from prying eyes to fulfill her longing for Mahir and to make it up to him (make amends). While two embarrassed lovers are living hours full of love, they are unaware that this can be the cost of their relationship and Nazif’s freedom. Because Mehmet Saim is aware of the vacation.
Prijevod 1. fragmanija
MEHMET SAİM BEY: I took the risk/the chance of having my daughter suffer... I will expose her relationship with Mahir Kara. His father will be executed. This death that will come in between them will reunite me with my daughter. NECDET: Why did Yılan gather all those people? What is his trouble (problem)? SELİM: There is someone, brother... He will pull the rope.
Scenaristice na TW najavljuju 2. fragman
_________________ Ponekad ne mislim na tebe
adan Admin
Broj postova : 12266 Join date : 17.05.2012
Naslov: Re: Karadayi - Novosti 3 sub 08 vel 2014, 21:26
Yoh, ovo ne miriši na dobro. Idila 15 -20 epizoda prije kraja...
Prijevod by KFES
MEHMET SAİM BEY: Love comes and goes, Nazif Kara. NAZİF: You talk about fatherhood, but you are blind to see the reality of your daughter's love in her eyes. FERİDE: No one will take this ring off my finger. MAHİR: My beautiful woman. We are married in our hearts. I am yours even if I am buried and you are mine. Even death cannot do us part.